Halloween has been my favorite holiday. I love dressing up and doing elaborate makeup. I have won many costume contests due to my creativity. I rationalized in my mind that if it isn't a witch, ghost, devil, or anything evil then it must be ok........well I did dress up as the Dark Knight joker nurse once. Beggar's Night
is the perfect opportunity for witnessing, right? Besides kids dress up year-round as princesses and superheroes for play. People in dramas wear costumes. How could Halloween be any different?
is the perfect opportunity for witnessing, right? Besides kids dress up year-round as princesses and superheroes for play. People in dramas wear costumes. How could Halloween be any different?
According to a CBN News Facebook Poll, 87% of believers feel that Christians should not celebrate Halloween, while 13% believe it's okay. But in the US those statistics are almost swapped. 23% of believers don't celebrate Halloween leaving only 72% that do. ONe-quarter of all candy sold in the US if for Halloween. Is there something Americans don't know?
Let me start by explaining the reason for the costumes, pumpkins, and bonfires. Then explain what is going on in the spiritual realms yet today.
In ancient times there was an ancient festival that translated Satan called Sal'win. There was the belief that the transition between the DEATH of summer and the BIRTH of winter was the harvest season in which ravenous spirits came out. They practiced sorcery, witchcraft, and all kinds of manner of evil. During the reign of Pope Gregory III he changed it from the ancient festival to the modern-day, Halloween. The Catholic church has had a history of coming in and taking over the traditions of occultic practices and mixing it with Christianity to make it something more acceptable. What fellowship does darkness have with light? Back around the time of Pope Gregory IX the Vatican began teaching that the Holy Mass is literal eating and drinking of flesh and blood of Christ. The priests had the power to turn the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, which is a magic occult black magic act.
The Celtics believed these spirits were roaming the earth looking for someone to torment. To appease Satan they wanted the attention of the spirits for their sorcery and magic. They made animal and human sacrifices. They would take the bones and have a bone fire, which we now call bonfire, as a sacrifice to Satan asking for prosperity and his blessing in the year to come. One of the things they did to hide from the spirits was to dress up in costumes to blend in with the demons or animals. They believed when these spirits were roaming the earth they were ravenously hungry. Inorder to not get eaten they laid out in front of their houses treats for them to feast on. They believed if they didn't leave a proper offering they would play tricks to torment them. That is where we get "Trick or Treat." One of the things they'd do was chop the heads off of people and take the bloody head, decorate them and place them around their houses. They weren't pumpkins back then they were human heads. Carving pumpkins making a face out of them is how we got jack o' lanterns.
At this point you might be saying but I am not celebrating or practicing what the ancient druids did. You might be calling it a genetic fallacy, which is history and origins irrelevant to today's current meaning and practices.
The Celtics believed these spirits were roaming the earth looking for someone to torment. To appease Satan they wanted the attention of the spirits for their sorcery and magic. They made animal and human sacrifices. They would take the bones and have a bone fire, which we now call bonfire, as a sacrifice to Satan asking for prosperity and his blessing in the year to come. One of the things they did to hide from the spirits was to dress up in costumes to blend in with the demons or animals. They believed when these spirits were roaming the earth they were ravenously hungry. Inorder to not get eaten they laid out in front of their houses treats for them to feast on. They believed if they didn't leave a proper offering they would play tricks to torment them. That is where we get "Trick or Treat." One of the things they'd do was chop the heads off of people and take the bloody head, decorate them and place them around their houses. They weren't pumpkins back then they were human heads. Carving pumpkins making a face out of them is how we got jack o' lanterns.
At this point you might be saying but I am not celebrating or practicing what the ancient druids did. You might be calling it a genetic fallacy, which is history and origins irrelevant to today's current meaning and practices.
Before jumping to any conclusions let's look at the spiritual realm of this today. The invisible spiritual realm is still very much active today. There are powers, principalities and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms that are warring against us. As Christians, we are called to put on the full armor of God. (Ephesians 6:11-12)
Many believers believe that they can not have demons or demonic oppression. This is a spiritual ignorance that I once fell prey too. I have a family member who is a witch and told me with permission he could cast a spell on me for good luck. I said, "You can cast a spell on me, but it won't work because I am a child of the Most High." This couldn't be further from the truth.
Many believers believe that they can not have demons or demonic oppression. This is a spiritual ignorance that I once fell prey too. I have a family member who is a witch and told me with permission he could cast a spell on me for good luck. I said, "You can cast a spell on me, but it won't work because I am a child of the Most High." This couldn't be further from the truth.
"Demons" are mentioned 69 times in the New Testament. Jesus continuously did 3 things: 1)preached 2) healed and 3)cast of demons. (Matthew 8:16; Matthew 9:4, 33; Matthew 10:8; Matthew 12:24, 27-28; Mark 1:34, 39; Mark 3:22; Mark 7:26; Mark 16:9,17; Luke 11:15, 18-20; Luke 13:32) To prove that demons still exist all we have to do is look to the future on Judgment Day: On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ (Matthew 7:22) It's a matter of whether you think these people saying, "Lord, Lord" are those of biblical times or represent men across all ages.
It's true that believers can't be possessed, because no demons can reside where the Holy Spirit resides. Let me explain how it is possible to be oppressed by using Don Dickerman's analogy in When Pigs Move In:
It's true that believers can't be possessed, because no demons can reside where the Holy Spirit resides. Let me explain how it is possible to be oppressed by using Don Dickerman's analogy in When Pigs Move In:
Evil spirits can get in the temple just like evil thoughts and sinful actions--by choices we make and gates we open. Do you recall the Old Testament Tabernacle? It had three parts: an outer courtyard, the holy place, and the holy of holies. The holy place was twice as large as the holy of holies. The tabernacle is a picture of our being. The courtyard represents our flesh, the holy place represents our soul, and the holy of holies represents our spirits. The holy of holies is where the Spirit of God dwells. This is important in understanding how the temple is defiled. Where does the Spirit of God dwell in the believer? In our spirit! Not in our soul and flesh; that is the part of us that we can yield to God or to disobedience. Our soul is made up of our mind, will, and emotions. Our flesh is that which can be seen, touched, and felt. It has substance. The spirit has no substance; it is intangible. It is our spirit that is born again, and it is in our spirit that the Holy Spirit of God takes up residence. The spirit has been born again, and the soul and flesh are "being saved" as we yield ourselves and conform to the image of Christ. It is the soul and the flesh that can be inhabited by demon powers. It is the soul where the spiritual battle takes place, and often it manifests in the flesh.
In Old Testament times there was a curtain between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. The only person allowed behind that curtain was the high priest in which they tied a rope on in case he died while they went back there. That high priest went in to atone for the sins and give animal sacrifices for the people who didn't have direct access to the Most High; however when Christ died on the cross that curtain tore giving us direct access. This is why the Catholic church still uses the practice of confession. (Hebrews 9:2-8)
Over the past year, I have seen former Satanist John Ramirez go viral on the internet. He was ranked as a high priest Satanists in NYC. He says,
"Halloween is the devil's holiday. The devil loves when you celebrate Halloween because you are intertwining darkness with light." Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. (Ephesians 5:11) He goes on to say, "All of that candy and costumes in the stores have had prayers of evil prayed over them. By celebrating Halloween if you are married then you are letting evil into your marriage, children, home, finances over practicing this holiday one day of the year. People are putting pumpkins at their doors which opens their door to the same demons that run the river which is called Oshun, a spirit of witchcraft. Celebrating it brings a curse to your family 4 to 5 generations down. We have churches that have trunk or treats and Harvest festivals. It's no substitute for Halloween. You are bringing a curse to your church when you do that. You are bringing the curse on the children in your church. One of the biggest demonic disillusion that the devil brings is to change costume, put on an outfit, paint your face, change your identity. I don't care if you put on a mermaid, Casper the friendly ghost, or an angel. Jesus created Adam and Eve to be perfect and when the devil got in the garden, convinced them and confused their mind then he changed their identity. When you put on a costume you are changing your identity in who you are in Christ, and open yourself to the most demonic attack ever. If you are celebrating Harvest then you are celebrating Halloween. The church becomes entertainment and an amusement park so that the world will come back. You don't need to entertain anyone. You bring them and Jesus Christ will do the rest. How you going to celebrate and call yourself blessed. It's like being married and sleeping with a prostitute but say you love your wife. The biggest witchcraft I used to do was on Halloween to kill, steal, and destroy."
I have heard John tell multiple stories of his time as a Satanist. Ramirez's book, Armed and Dangerous, he talks about how the number 21 means "snake." He used to cast 21-day prayers over people, and 21 days later they would be dead. His Satanic power was so powerful that he had his landlord afraid to come to his door. For 9 months, he received free rent before moving out. For Halloween, he said he started devising evil plans a week out. The holiday proves to be demon-possessed as evidenced by the 17% increase in crime.
The spirit you are opening your door is a witchcraft spirit. The spirit of witchcraft includes sorcery, divination, intimidation, control, manipulation, false religions, fortune-telling, new age, ESP, astrology, hypnosis, Eastern religions, masonry, telepathy, palmistry, drugs, black magic, white magic, tea leaf reading, etc. If the enemy can get control of your mind then they can cause confusion, mental breakdown, mania, fantasy, evil thinking, migraines, mental pain, and negative thinking. (Fasting for Breakthrough and Deliverance, John Eckhardt)
Once that spirit gets into your home it can affect your finances, marriage, and safety of your children. You are opening the door to your child being molested, trafficked, abused, bullied, and raped in the future. Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children." There are strong soul ties with this demon that requires prayer, fasting, and strong spiritual warfare. (Matthew 17:21) I can't emphasize enough how much power comes from not telling or hinting to a single soul that you are fasting. In biblical times they kept it so anonymous that they carried on as if they were eating by washing their faces and putting anointing oil on their heads. This was a practice done before eating a meal. (Matthew 6:17-18)
Through this witchcraft spirit, I myself had been exposed to a stalker for 7 years of my life. Legal action was involved but it didn't work. It was a scary situation. One day the Lord made me question a verse in Matthew 12, which opened a humongous door to learning about spiritual warfare. After 5 months of prayer and fasting, the stalking finally stopped. This stuff is real folks.
It is knowledge that empowers us and lack of it causes us to fail and perish. This may be the first time you have been opened up to this. Over the years I have had many many foreign friends who didn't celebrate Halloween. In fact, I once did a study of the origins of Halloween but was not convinced until I dug deeper than I had previously dug. I now know at least 5 people who have stopped celebrating Halloween in the past year. I've had 3 or 4 unrelated friends send me YouTube links to John Ramirez. If you are still sitting on the fence look him up. His testimonies are so compelling.
John Ramirez Testimony