Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day of Fasting

So as I continue to reflect on Psalms 35 one of its verses jumped out at me yesterday that I had previously paid no attention: I put on sackcloth and humbled myself with fasting.

I don't know what will come of yesterday. My boss seemed to continue to try to set up snares for me. Snares in which I previously didn't escape, but never stepped into to begin with. A person in such a position, using their power in dishonest ways, has blown me away. Leaving me dumbfounded!

So today I spent the day fasting. No internet, except for this blog and one item of business. I can easily be online all day checking my email, Facebooking, looking up questions that I have, catching up on the show I missed the other night, paying bills, managing my finances, etc. When I get offline I can easily become distracted, thinking I wanted to look this up too. Today I spent time in prayer, reviewed several bible verses I have memorized over the past year, spent time in 2 Samuel, listened to a couple sermons, and read a couple chapters in a book on fear. Doing what I can to stay spiritually invested with God today! I have not called anyone today, but have answered to those who have called me. No responding to email either until dusk. Keeping myself as unpolluted from the world as possible today, as my song PURE from yesterday goes, "You're all I need!" May the Lord strengthen my heart.

I spent the day praying about my past job and my future job. My recruiter called today and my application was put out to a couple more places today. May the result of this day produce mighty things!