Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's not a Sport!

AS I approach my 32nd birthday I continue with the practice of abstinence.  I get questions such as "How do you know if you have chemistry?" or "What if it isn't good?"  This is the mindset that the American culture has us to believe.

The Lord has gifted us with talents or skills that aren't meant for everybody to have.  For the models, God has gifted them with height.  So why if vertically challenged, such as myself, should I try to become what I was not made to be.

Some people have been given the talent to be a musician.  I once heard that Michael Jackson said he had a million songs in his head.  I could try for the rest of my life to come up with one hit and still fall flat on my face.  I could practice and play the piano for hours and hours, day after day, year after year and never be as good as Mozart who continued to play and compose music after he went deaf at the age of 26.

Some people have the gift of knowledge and great intelligence.  Not everybody was meant to go to college.  There are many entertainers out there who have never been to college and make more than us who have gone to college.

Some people are skilled with their hands and they play in the NBA or NFL.  Perhaps they could try, but would never keep up with me in a marathon.

When it comes to our spouses, God has gifted us with one.  He hasn't designed us to be with everyone and just anyone.  He has gifted us to be skilled and talented with one person.  You can try out several people, and it'll never be fulfilling.  However if you believe in the Lord, and keep your eyes set upon him then you'll know when you have found the gift he has designed for you.  On the day I get to unwrap that gift I think I'll be truly amazed that it'll be a better gift than what I could have ever imagined up for myself.  So when I say I put my trust in the Lord at age 20, I put my trust in him that he knows what is best for me.  My eyes may lead me astray, my heart may tell me what I think I want, but in the end the Lord truly knows what is best for me when I don't.  I trust that he will take away from me everything and everyone that was not meant or made for me.  I trust he has someone for me that meets my needs in every necessary way.