Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Haitian Excursion Rolls On

2 weeks ago I received a definate answer that I for sure would be going to Haiti.  I'll be leaving on September 25th and am waiting to hear back from the organization on the length of my trip.  One of my prayers have been answered.  I have a place to keep my car in Dallas.  Being able to keep it in Dallas enables me to take the insurance off it as it won't be in a hurricane zone.  I have also found a website inwhich I can purchase a plane ticket for $415.  Most of the tickets I have been seeing have been around $630.  The catch is that there is a huge 9 hour overlay, but that's okay with me.  I'm more than happy to spend some extra time in a city that I have never been to before.  Here are my prayer requests for this trip now:

*That I will find a job for when I return back to the U.S. beforehand or find a solution to having a phone while overseas.

*That I will learn my french rapidly and be as fluent as possible before going.  I had 4 years of french in high school; however, I want to know french so well that it's evident that God did a good work in me to learn it so fast.

*That I will find ways to help out the Haitians out beyond my service of nursing.  My time is not an inconvenience.  There are so many needs beyond my time.

*That there will be great healing to every Haitian I touch.  I already believe that I may have the gift of healing as evidenced by my time in Chicago.  The story goes that I'd begin my every day with 3 patients.  The assignment was always made out so that we'd only have one patient going home for the day.  Almost everyday I'd have 2-3 of my patients go home.  All the nurses would always ask me how I got so lucky.  I'd joke that I was " the healing nurse," but overtime I began to believe that maybe it was a gift the Lord had given to me.

These are all that I can think of currently.  I'm sure there will be more later.