Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Amazing Grace

I was thinking about this favorite hymn today, and pondering whether most people really give thought to the words or truly know what it means. I had sung and heard the song a million times and never truly knew what it meant until salvation. So here is my attempt at disecting the song.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.

Before salvation I new what grace was in the wordly sense of the word. I didn't know that we were all condemned to hell and that we were all deserving to go there. I thought the majority of people by right deserved heaven. Now I know we have all fallen short of the glory of God. None of us have earned the right to go there. That Christ paid for our sins in the most gruesome way in a way that I would have never paid for my sin. He didn't have to pay for it. That we have done awful awful sins against him, more than anyone has done against us. We aren't deserving of this free gift of heaven and all of eternity with him. Now that is grace, that we can still have a relationship with him despite our iniquities.

To save a wretch like me.
If you ask the average person they might say that they think they are a "good person." That they have lived a pretty good life. But what is good? How do you gauge that? At least for the majority being good. Is that like 51% good and 49% bad or better. When you stop to think of all of the ways you have sinned you will realize we are BAD people. Have you ever sped, then you have put lives in danger? Ever used the Lord's name in vain? Ever lusted after someone you are not married? Ever become angry and reacted harshly out of that anger? Ever turned your ear or eye against those who needed help? Did you invite the homeless guy to your house for dinner or did you judge that he wouldn't be safe to bring home? Ever ignorantly bought consumer items that have led to the oppression of women and children in a foreign land? Ever taken your health for granted by not eating properly or exercising?

These are just a few ways of the thousands of ways we sin everyday. We aren't always aware of our sin, but to stay in the dark about it and refusing to become aware is sin too. Don't beat yourself up over it, but we are all wretches.

I once was lost, but now am found.

Christ continually pursues us and knocks at the door of our hearts. He looks for us and finds us to bring us to him.

I once was aimlessly lost in this world living my life according to what the world's values are. I didn't take the time to see how the Lord's Word measured up to these values.

Was blind, but now I see.

I used to think this was a song about the writer losing his sight and regaining it.

When you gain your Godly sight you begin to wonder why you thought as you previously thought. It no longer makes sense your former way of thinking.