Friday, April 9, 2010

Eye Has Not Seen!

I have entitled my blog this, because faith is not something we see tangibly. We walk by faith not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Many people don't understand my faith. They think it's an illusion. A figment of my imagination. Only if I could have a video of Jesus performing miracles, but then some would say he was a magician. I could have all the evidence that he is Lord and Saviour that people could see with their own eyes, and people still wouldn't believe it to be true. Faith isn't something that can be seen with our eyes or emotions. One just has to believe. My hope is that through the miracles Christ has performed in my own life others will come to believe.

No one has ever seen God. John 1:18 We all have our imaginations of what he might look like. Is he a human image, does he look like an alien, or a beast of some sort. My picture is representing that no eye has ever seen God!

I may be beautiful in your eyes. I may be ugly. I may have the appearance of being rich. I may have the appearance of being poor. I may look intelligent. I may look stupid. I might look mean. I might look nice. You may judge whether you choose to follow or be influenced by my thoughts based on outward appearance. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 I want the outward visage to have no influence over whether you chose to follow Christ. May God use me as an instrument to influence you powerfully towards believing in Him.